quantum complexity theory
Application deadline:
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
The Computer Science Department of The University of Hong Kong invites applications for a position of Assistant/Associate Professor in Quantum Information Theory, to commence on January 1st, 2019 or as soon as possible thereafter, on a three year
fixed term basis, with consideration for tenure before the expiry of a second three year fixed term contract.
The Quantum Computing Lab at Virginia Commonwealth University currently has a Ph.D. position available. Tuition and stipend are provided.
Requirements: A background in quantum mechanics or quantum computing is preferred but not necessary; the requirements are a Master's degree in theoretical computer science or a related field (such as mathematics), elementary linear algebra (vector spaces, eigenvalues and eigenvectors), and mathematical maturity.
Our group conducts research on atomic, molecular, and optical physics, the foundations of quantum mechanics, photonic band gap and meta materials, quantum information theory, quantum complexity theory, quantum error correction, quantum optics, optical quantum computing, quantum sensors, quantum imaging, and relativistic quantum information theory.