quantum computation

Application deadline: 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Applications are invited for Government of Ireland Scholarships to study for a Ph.D. at the National University of
Ireland, Galway. Specific topics of interest are quantum games and quantum walks. In the first instance, for more information, please email michael.mcgettrick@nuigalway.ie

Application deadline: 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Hardiman research (PhD) scholarships at the National University of Ireland, Galway.
Stipend is 16,000 euro per year. Phd topics available in quantum walks, quantum game theory, or
possibly other areas of quantum computation. For preliminary enquiries, email
michael.mcgettrick@nuigalway.ie in the first instance. See also

3 Research Fellows (PhD candidates) in Informatics / Computer Science
Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, Norway

Closing date for applications: 1st June 2015

These positions are advertised across specialisations, and include the following possible research topics:

Application deadline: 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

PhD funding available, via competitive application for Government of Ireland scholarship.
Should you be interested, get in touch immediately by email to michael.mcgettrick@nuigalway.ie,
deadline is February eleventh.

We are seeking highly motivated postdoctoral fellows and PhDs for theoretical and experimental work on solid state quantum photonics, nanophotonics, nanofabrication, optomechanics, optical quantum computation algorithms and related fields.

Our group conducts research on atomic, molecular, and optical physics, the foundations of quantum mechanics, photonic band gap and meta materials, quantum information theory, quantum complexity theory, quantum error correction, quantum optics, optical quantum computing, quantum sensors, quantum imaging, and relativistic quantum information theory.

Application deadline: 

Monday, January 27, 2014

"Government of Ireland" Scholarship:
PhD in area of Quantum Game Theory or Quantum Random Walks.
For more information, in the first instance email michael.mcgettrick@nuigalway.ie

Submission deadline: 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Registration deadline: 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Application deadline: 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

PhD scholarships are available [for PhD studies beginning in
September 2012] at the National University of Ireland, Galway.
For details please see
The deadline is January 7th, 2012. Please contact Dr. M.
Mc Gettrick [michael.mcgettrick@nuigalway.ie] directly in

The Summer School will take place at El Escorial, Spain (http://www.euroforum.es/), a nice and historic city about 50 km to the north of Madrid. See further information below and in the website.

The whole activity will focus primarily on the following topics:

* One-Way Quantum Computation and Statistical Mechanics
* Topological Codes and Statistical Models
* Random Statistical Mechanical Systems and Lattice Gauge Theories
* Quantum Information and Models of Discrete Quantum Gravity



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