quantum foundations

Submission deadline: 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Registration deadline: 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Victorian Summer School in Ultracold Physics
DATE: 20th January — 31st January 2014

The third Victorian Summer School in Ultracold Atomic Physics will be held in Melbourne, Australia over a two week period during the (Southern hemisphere) summer break. The School will incorporate approximately 6 lectures per day on current topics in ultracold physics presented by leaders in the field, leaving room for additional tutorials and discussions.
Special Theme for 2014: Quantum physics of low-dimensional systems
VSSUP 2014 will include lectures and tutorials on the following topics:

Application deadline: 

Monday, February 14, 2011

This is a theoretical project that addresses foundational aspects of quantum information processing with a focus on structural features of qudit systems. While much effort has been spent on investigating quantum state spaces, relatively little is known about the structure of quantum observables. The mathematical duality of states and observables provides a guarantee that whatever one learns about one side is relevant for the other, so that it is to be expected that studying structures of quantum observables will provide a new angle and open up new questions.

We study fundamental aspects of quantum theory through the analysis of relevant information processing tasks and algorithms. We are interested in the formulation of physical principles in terms of information processing possibilities.

Application deadline: 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Centre for Quantum Dynamics undertakes experimental and theoretical studies of the dynamics (the motions, and energy and momentum exchanges) of systems of particles whose behaviour is governed by quantum mechanics. Specifically, the Centre activities include research in laser and collisions atomic physics, quantum optics, atom optics, quantum mechanics and quantum computing.

Head: Artur Ekert
Institution: Centre for Quantum Computation , DAMTP Wilberforce Road Cambridge CB3 0WA, U.K.
E-mail: K.K.Hampson (at) damtp.cam.ac.uk

quantum cryptography, quantum computing, quantum information science, entanglement and nonlocality theory, topological quantum computation, quantum foundations

Permanent Staff
Nilanjana Datta

Artur Ekert
Adrian Kent
Johan Aberg
Dimitris Angelakis
Garry Bowen
Matthias Christandl
Roger Colbeck
Marie Ericsson
Berry Groisman
Lawrence Ioannou
Alastair Kay
Lluis Masanes
Graeme Mitchison


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