quantum memory

Application deadline: 

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The Quantum Photonics Laboratory seeks a talented and motivated scientist to start a new line of research on integrated platforms for novel quantum devices using rare-earth doped crystals for quantum memory applications.

Application deadline: 

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The aim of the role is to realise functional quantum memories using the electronic and nuclear spins of tin-vacancy (SnV) colour centres in nanofabricated diamond chips, using quantum optical control from single confined spins using both optical and microwave fields. The research topics will include the realisation of efficient photon emission, high-fidelity coherent spin control using optical and microwave control, demonstration of spin-photon quantum entanglement, and quantum information transfer and storage in nuclear spin registers.

The Quantum Photonics Laboratory at Heriot-Watt University seeks a talented and motivated scientist to start a new line of research on quantum technology with stoichiometric rare-earth crystals for quantum memory applications. Significant goals include the characterization of the optical and spin properties of different crystals, optimization of their electronic and spin coherence, and the implementation of quantum memory protocols in both bulk crystals and waveguide structures.

Application deadline: 

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Photonic quantum networks would enable quantum computing, guaranteed-secure communications and enhanced sensing capabilities, running at high bandwidths in ambient conditions

Applications are invited for Postdoctoral positions in experimental quantum optics and quantum information at Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (LKB), in Paris (France).

Application deadline: 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Technical University of Dortmund has an opening for a PostDoc working on the implementation of photonic quantum memories on the basis of rare-earth ion crystals. The successful candidate should design an implement experiments that store photons in the crystals, convert them to nuclear spin degrees of freedom and protect them against environmental perturbations. The project is integrated in the EU-ITN CIPRIS (http://www.cipris.eu/).

Application deadline: 

Monday, January 30, 2012

A position for a PhD student is available at the chair E3 in the physics department of TU Dortmund University. The starting date is flexible but should be within the first half of 2012. The successful candidate will be part of an EU-sponsored initial trainging network and work on the development of a scheme for storing and preserving optical quantum states in solid state materials. Candidates must have a master degree in physics, ideally optical physics or magnetic resonance. The position has a competitive salary of 3800-4100 EUR, depending on marital status.

Submission deadline: 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Registration deadline: 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The symposium is intended to intensify the link between the basic research areas of photonics and atomic ensembles. Leading scientists in the fields of quantum communication protocols, quantum memory and quantum repeaters, atomic ensembles, Rydberg atoms and photonic QIP will discuss new promising approaches to quantum information and communication technologies and their physical challenges.

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