quantum random number generation; quantum information theory

A PhD position is available in the Department of Mathematics at the University of York to work with Roger Colbeck on quantum random number generators (QRNGs). Random number generators are useful in a wide variety of applications. Quantum processes are needed to generate fundamental randomness. One of the difficulties in quantum random number generation is being confident that the process being used really can generate randomness. The usual way of doing so involves taking the random number generator apart and modelling each of its internal components in detail.

Application deadline: 

Thursday, December 12, 2019

A Postdoctoral Research Associate (PDRA) position is available in the area of quantum technologies, supported by EPSRC’s Quantum Communications Hub. The Hub, led by Professor Tim Spiller at the University of York, is a major collaboration between several universities and industrial partners and funding has just been announced for five more years. The role of the Hub is to develop new quantum communications technologies as part of the UK National Quantum Technologies Programme.

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