quantum simulation and computation; tensor networks; shortcuts to adiabaticity

Application deadline: 

Monday, October 31, 2022

Postdoc position funded by the European Union through QuantERA program STAQS:

``Shortcuts to Adiabaticity for Quantum Computation and Simulation''.

PIs of the project: Jacek Dziarmaga and Marek M. Rams

Where: Institute of Theoretical Physics, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland
How long: 24 months
Position is open from Oct. 31, 2022 with a possibility to delay the starting date for up to a few months.

Salary: 10000 PLN/month (pre-tax) or 6000PLN/month (after tax) plus social and health insurance.

Application deadline: 

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Postdoc position funded by the European Union through QuantERA program STAQS:

``Shortcuts to Adiabaticity for Quantum Computation and Simulation'',

see https://www.quantera.eu/137-results-of-the-quantera-call-2021

PIs of the project: Jacek Dziarmaga and Marek M. Rams

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