
PhD Positions in Many-Body Theory of Ultra-cold Atoms

Center for Optical Quantum Technologies, University of Hamburg, Germany

We offer three PhD positions, available immediately, at the newly created Center for Optical Quantum Technologies (ZOQ). In a vibrant, communicative environment, we study a wide range of quantum phenomena, from technological aspects of ultra-cold atom systems to fundamental questions of many-body theory. We use both analytical approaches, e.g. field-theoretic descriptions, as well as numerical methods, such as simulations.

One PhD studentship is available at Imperial College London for the theoretical investigation of quantum effects in surface plasmon polaritons / metamaterials. This theoretical investigation is supervised by Professor Myungshik Kim and Professor Stefan Maier. The studentship includes European/UK student fees and full stipend with London weighting during the PhD period.

The studentship is available now until it is filled. If the candidate prefers, they can join the Doctoral Training Programme for Controlled Quantum Dynamics at Imperial College.


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