Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department
of Physics, Institute for Quantum Physics, Universität Hamburg, offers
Research Associate position for the Project “Rydberg Quantum Computing
Platforms: hardware- and cost-efficient error correction”
We are seeking a highly motivated PhD student to work on theoretical aspects related to quantum many-body physics. The research will focus in particular on:
- the investigation of non-equilibrium processes in synthetic quantum matter
- the development of protocols for novel engine cycles using non-equilibrium phase transitions
- the application of advanced numerical methods (e.g. tensor networks) to model quantum many-body engines
Application deadline:
Monday, September 20, 2021
We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to work on theoretical aspects related to many-body quantum physics with Rydberg atoms. The position is funded through the project ‘Tailored quantum matter for sensing and fundamental physics’ (financed by the Baden-Württemberg foundation).
The project goals are the following:
(i) to theoretically investigate the creation and control of stable collective phenomena in open driven many-body quantum systems on Rydberg quantum simulators.
Application deadline:
Sunday, February 28, 2021
The Trapped Ion Quantum Technology group at Stockholm University invites applications for a postdoctoral position for our trapped Rydberg ion project. The successful postdoc applicant will work on an trapped ion experiment to perform fast quantum gates and quantum algorithms via Rydberg interaction.
Submitted by
shannonw on Mon, 16/12/2019 - 11:55.
PhD position in experimental quantum physics with Rydberg atoms
in the Exotic Quantum Matter Group at the University of Strasbourg, France
Application deadline:
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The PhD project is in the domain of many-body physics with highly excited Rydberg atoms. The position is funded via the DFG priority programme GiRyd (http://giryd.de/en/) through the grant "Non-equilibrium phenomena in Rydberg lattice gases with facilitation constraints".
Application deadline:
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
A post-doctoral position is available to develop and conduct experiments on quantum thermodynamics in a microwave cavity QED system with Rydberg atoms and high-quality superconducting cavities.
The project is to carry out theoretical research on the physics of trapped Rydberg ions and atoms within the ERyQSenS-consortium (funded through the QuantERA call) which is formed by European experimental and theoretical research group.
The symposium is intended to intensify the link between the basic research areas of photonics and atomic ensembles. Leading scientists in the fields of quantum communication protocols, quantum memory and quantum repeaters, atomic ensembles, Rydberg atoms and photonic QIP will discuss new promising approaches to quantum information and communication technologies and their physical challenges.