
Application deadline: 

Monday, October 24, 2016

The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University invites applications for at least 5 new faculty members.

Targeted areas for the current search include:

Physics: Quantum Information; Ultracold Physics; Condensed Matter; Cosmology/Gravitational Waves
Mathematics: Discrete Mathematics; Computational Sciences; Big Data Analysis
Chemistry: Chemical Biology; Materials Chemistry (including Polymer Chemistry, Metal-Organic Frameworks)
Life Sciences: Cell Biology; Theoretical Biology; Behavioral Learning Theory

Application deadline: 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University invites applications for at least 7 new faculty members. Research areas include Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Ecology and Environmental Science, Marine Science, Mathematics, Neuroscience, and Physics. Appointments will be made as Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Tenured Associate Professor, and Tenured Professor. This is part of a plan to hire 50 new faculty members by 2023.

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