tensor network states

Application deadline: 

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Job no: 506577
Work type: Full Time
Vacancy type: Internal Vacancy, External Vacancy
Categories: Academic - Research Only / Fellowship
Salary Package: Level A, Step 6 (PhD or nearly completed) From $91,991 - $98,588 p.a., plus 9.5% employer's superannuation and annual leave loading
Appointment Type: Full-time, fixed term up to 23 months with potential for extension
Macquarie University (North Ryde) location
The Role

One could argue that the fields of quantum information science and complex network theory (a.k.a. complexity science) both address complexity, yet from opposite perspectives. Indeed, the former makes use of a complex system as a computational resource whereas the later generally studies (and often using computer simulations) the scaling, collective behavior and emergent properties of complex system(s).

Submission deadline: 

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Registration deadline: 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Tensor networks are recognized as one of the most promising numerical tools to study quantum many body systems; representatives are the matrix product state (MPS), the multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz (MERA), and the projected entangled-pair states (PEPS), and Density Matrix Renormalization Group(DMRG). By now, the concept covers various fields including material science, quantum chemistry, and lattice gauge theories, and it is desired to share ideas among these fields.

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