topological photonics and phononics
Application deadline:
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
The quantum group in Malta is looking to recruit an experienced postdoctoral researcher in the field of topological optomechanical devices. This is a two-year position funded by the Julian Schwinger Foundation.
This project aims to investigate optomechanical arrays as a platform for the amplification, processing, and routing of phonons. This programme is based on work pioneered recently by Dr Vittorio Peano on topological effects in such arrays, with the possibility to be involved in experimental explorations as well.
We seek to understand how the world works at the small scale. Quantum mechanics is the fascinating field that studies how nature works on the nano- and microscales. Several questions are still under investigation: What is the nature of the transition between the quantum mechanical laws and those of ordinary classical mechanics that large systems obey? How can one use the stronger coherences that arise in quantum systems to make possible more precise measurements or quicker computations?