
Application deadline: 

Sunday, May 30, 2021

The theory group at the Institute for Quantum Information of the Jülich-Aachen Reasearch Alliance (JARA) is looking for highly motivated candidates to fill a fully-funded PhD position over the next few months.
The doctoral projects will focus on theoretical studies of physical implementations of quantum information processing, such as superconducting qubits, and related enabling quantum technologies. The projects will be supervised by Dr. Ansari and may involve collaborations with leading experimental groups.

Application deadline: 

Friday, October 30, 2020

Apply now for the Hector Research Career Development (RCD) Award! With the Hector RCD Award, the Hector Fellow Academy supports the research careers of promising research group leaders. The Award gives you the unique opportunity to benefit from research funding for an outstanding research project. In addition, you will become part of a network of top scientists including the laureates of the Hector Science Award.

Application deadline: 

Sunday, January 21, 2018

The Department of Physics at the University of Siegen invites applications for a

Junior professorship (W1) for theoretical quantum optics
with tenure-track option for a permanent professorship (W2)

A postdoc/PhD student position in Germany

A fully-funded postdoc/PhD student position is available to work at Peter Gruenberg Institute (PGI-2) in Forschungszentrum Juelich, near Aachen in Germany. For students the degree will be granted by RWTH university in Aachen. The researcher will work with Dr. Mohammad H. Ansari. The project can be started in the Summer or Fall 2017.

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