
We'd like to announce the next Q+ hangout. To watch live, visit at the appointed hour. Be aware of the fact that although North America has switched to DST, the UK has not yet and the time is still listed in GMT/UTC.

Date/time: Tuesday 25th February 2014 2pm GMT/UTC
Speaker: Tobias Fritz (Perimeter Institute)
Title: A Combinatorial Approach to Nonlocality and Contextuality

Date: 28th January 2014
Time: 2pm UTC/GMT
Speaker: Troels Frimodt Rønnow (ETH Zurich)
Title: Quantum annealing on 503 qubits

Date/time: Tue. 26th Nov. 3pm GMT/UTC
Speaker: Mark Wilde (Louisiana State University)
Title: Strong Converse Theorems in Quantum Information Theory

Date/Time: 29th October 2013 2pm GMT
Speaker: Renato Renner (ETH Zurich)
Title: Does freedom of choice imply that the wave function is real?

Please note the unusual starting time of 10pm UK time due to the speaker being in Australia.

Date/time: Tuesday 18th June 2013 2pm BST/UTC+1
Speaker: Bill Wootters (Williams College)
Title: What is the origin of complex probability amplitudes?

Date/time: Mon. 27th May 2013 3pm BST (UTC+1)
Speaker: David Poulin (University of Sherbrooke)
Title: Tradeoffs Between Thermal and Quantum Fluctuations in 2D Quantum Memories

This is our "Nobel Prize" lecture. Dietrich is a long time colleague of David Wineland at NIST and will tell us about the latest research from the Ion Storage Group.

To join the hangout or watch the livestream go to at the appointed hour. Please note the unusual start time of 5pm BST(UTC+1)

Date: 23rd April 2013 5pm BST(UTC+1)
Speaker: Dietrich Leibfried (NIST)
Title: Towards scalable quantum information processing and quantum simulation with trapped ions


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