= Quantum Information Processing and Communication:Strategic report on current status, visions and goals for research in Europe =
Table of Content
- Executive summary
- Introduction: the major visions and goals of qipc
- Different aspects of QIPC research in Europe
- Assessment of current results and outlook on future efforts
- Quantum communication
- Quantum computing
- Quantum information science - theory
- Introduction
- Quantum algorithms & complexity
- Computational models & architectures
- Geometric and topological methods for fault tolerant quantum computing
- Quantum simulations
- Quantum error correction & purification
- Quantum control theory
- Theory of entanglement
- Multi-party entanglement & applications
- Noisy communication channels
- Fundamental quantum mechanics and decoherence
- Spin-off to other fields
- European perspective
- Fundamental issues about QIPC physics
- Appendix A: Quantum Information Technologies
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Monday, October 26, 2015 - 17:56