Quantum Roundabout 2016

Organising group(s): 

Quantum Information and Metrology

Registration deadline: 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Submission deadline: 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Quantum Roundabout is a postgraduate conference on quantum physics, to be held between the 6th and 8th of July of 2016 at the School of Mathematical Sciences of The University of Nottingham. This event intends to bring together early career researchers, working at the crossroads between physics and applied mathematics, providing them with the opportunity to network and interact with their peers in related areas, as well as recognised experts.

The conference is open to young researchers from universities all over the UK and overseas, and it is aimed to cover the mathematical foundations of three active research areas of quantum physics, all intimately interconnected, namely: Quantum Entanglement, Open Quantum Systems and Quantum Metrology. Three leading researchers in these fields have been invited to give lectures/tutorials on cutting-edge topics. Moreover, a flexible programme with room for up to 24 short talks and a dedicated poster session has been devised to encourage an active contribution from all participants.


The invited speakers are internationally renowned experts in their fields. They will deliver an introductory lecture to their field of specialisation, as well as a follow-up talk discussing the state of the art and prospective developments in the area.

Quantum Entanglement: Prof. Karol Życzkowski
Prof. Życzkowski is an established mathematical physicist currently holding chairs at Jagiellonian University, Krakow, and the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. He has provided widely recognised contributions to quantum measurement, quantum entropy and entanglement, as well as the theory of voting. He is the author of the highly cited book “Geometry of Quantum States: An Introduction to Quantum Entanglement”.

Open Quantum Systems: Prof. Sabrina Maniscalco
Prof. Maniscalco is the chair of Theoretical Physics at Turku and the leader of the Open Quantum Systems research group. She has contributed substantially to quantum stochastic processes, the theory of open quantum systems and non-Markovian dynamics. She is coordinating a European FET Project on Quantum Probes for Complex Systems, and has been in charge of original outreach events like the Quantum Circus and the Quantum Game Jam.

Quantum Metrology: Prof. Susana Huelga​
Prof. Huelga is a chair in Controlled Quantum Dynamics at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Ulm. She delivered seminal contributions to quantum estimation theory, quantum computing, metrology and sensing technologies, classical stochastic resonance and the burgeoning field of quantum biology. Her work has elucidated the ultimate limits on the speed of evolution of mixed quantum states, and associated precision limits for estimation in the presence of noise.

The registration is open from 1 March 2016 to 29 April 2016. The registration fee is £60 for all accepted participants, which must be paid when their participation is confirmed (decisions expected May 2016). This will cover accommodation, breakfast and lunch throughout the conference and the conference social which will include the conference dinner. Participants are expected to pay for their travel to and from the conference (there may be very limited additional funds to provide funding for travel for a small number of participants).