This is the first announcement of the workshop on Relativistic Quantum Information that will take place on June 24-26 2013 at the University of Nottingham. This workshop is going to be the next in the annual series of RQI-North workshops. This years aim is to bring together researchers from a diverse range of backgrounds, including those working in the fields of the Unruh effect, the dynamical Casimir effect, analogue gravity, quantum information theory and foundational physics.
More announcements with more detailed information will follow soon. Please watch the webpage of the event for updated information:
Relativistic effects in Quantum Optics, Cavity QED and Circuit QED setups.
Relativistic resources for Quantum Information: vacuum entanglement, relativistic quantum gates.
Unruh, Hawking and Dynamical Casimir effects.
Quantum simulations of Relativistic Quantum Fields.
Analogue Gravity models for Relativistic Quantum Information.
International organizing committee:
Ivette Fuentes (Nottingham)
Andrzej Dragan (Warsaw)
Daniele Faccio (Heriot-Watt)
Juan Leon (Madrid)
Local organising committee:
Mehdi Ahmadi
David Bruschi
Jason Doukas
Nicolai Friis
David Hawker
Antony Lee
Jorma Louko
Carlos Sabin
Luke Westwood
Funded by: EPSRC New Directions award to Ivette Fuentes (CAF Grant EP/G00496X/2)
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