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Workshop topics include BosonSampling, quantum walks, optical quantum computing, foundations of quantum mechanics, group theory in multi-photon interferometry, implementations, and scalability. The workshop will be held at the Shanghai Branch of the Division of Quantum Physics and Quantum Information within the Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale, which is part of the University of Science and Technology of China. The workshop venue is in Pudong New Area and conveniently accessible (half-hour drive) from Shanghai airport.
Invited speakers include:
Matthew Broome (University of New South Wales)
Jonathan Dowling (Louisiana State University)
Jens Eisert (Free University of Berlin)
Dirk Englund (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Akira Furusawa (University of Tokyo)
Hubert de Guise (Lakehead University)
Yoon-Ho Kim (Pohang University of Science and Technology)
Chuan-Feng Li (University of Science and Technology of China)
Alberto Peruzzo (University of Sydney)
Tim Ralph (University of Queensland)
Terry Rudolph (Imperial College London)
Michael Steel (Macquarie University)
Aephraim Steinberg (University of Toronto)
Shigeki Takeuchi (Hokkaido University)
Vincenzo Tamma (University of Ulm)
Philip Walther (University of Vienna)
Jingbo Wang (University of Western Australia)
Andrew G. White (University of Queensland)
Peng Xue (Southeastern University)
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