We seek to appoint an exceptional early career researcher with a background in photonics to conduct research in precision frequency lasers.

The role

We seek to appoint an exceptional early career researcher with a background in photonics to conduct research in precision frequency lasers.

As part of our QuantERA project COMPUTE, our consortium is looking for PhDs and PostDocs to work in the groups of:

Photonic linear optical networks are a promising platform for quantum information processing. The challenge in universal photonic quantum computing is its scalability. To scale up photonic quantum computing, one will need to achieve the stability of photonic sources, the tunability of linear optical interferometers, and the efficiency of photon number-resolving detectors. All these requirements can be met in integrated photonics.

The research group of Prof. Bihui Zhu at the Homer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Center for Quantum Research and Technology at University of Oklahoma in the United States is looking for postdoctoral researchers to join us. The successful candidate will conduct theoretical research focusing on many-body phenomena relevant to cold atom based quantum devices. Topics of interest include but are not limited to, quantum simulation, quantum thermalization, and dynamical phase transitions.

The research group of Prof. Bihui Zhu at the Homer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Center for Quantum Research and Technology at University of Oklahoma in the United States is looking for postdoctoral researchers to join us. The successful candidate will conduct theoretical research focusing on many-body phenomena relevant to near-term quantum platforms. Topics of research include but are not limited to, quantum dynamics, topological phases, and quantum sensing.

Department of Computer Science, Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba is seeking candidates to appoint a tenure-track assistant professor. If you are interested in applying, please read the following information.

1. Number of Positions Available
One Assistant-Professor position

2. Research Area
Quantum Information Science with related fields

We are seeking a talented and motivated postdoctoral researcher to work in the field of quantum information theory in the group led by prof. R. Augusiak (https://www.cft.edu.pl/grupa-naukowa/quantum-information).

The Quantum Systems Unit, headed by Prof. Thomas Busch, at OIST Graduate University in Okinawa Japan, has currently an opening for several post-doctoral researchers in the area of theoretical quantum mechanics with a focus on one or several of the following areas

• Ultracold Quantum Gases
• Quantum Many-body Dynamics
• Quantum Thermodynamics

Candidates should have a Ph.D. in theoretical physics or a related discipline, be comfortable working in English, and have demonstrated a creative and independent-minded approach to research.


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

6th International Workshop on Quantum Resource Estimation (QRE 2024) for Neutral Atom Computers
Helsinki, Finland

The focus of this year's workshop are neutral atom computers. We hope to encourage participation from those working in quantum algorithm optimization, error-correction, architecture design, quantum compilation, classical control and resource benchmarking.


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