
This position is embedded in the research project QUANTUS‐IV MAIUS, which is carried out by the QUANTUS collaboration of seven German Universities and Research Institutes. QUANTUS (“Quanten‐gase unter Schwerelosigkeit”) is funded by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and aims to investigate ultra‐cold quantum gases in microgravity.

Your mission:

The Quantum Computing Group at the High-Performance Computing Department of the Institute for Software Technology at DLR is focused on application-focused algorithms for near-term quantum computing. In particular, the group works with fundamental researchers as well as possible end-users to achieve the goal of finding quantum advantage for useful applications.

- Overview:
The Theoretical Cavity-QED Group in the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Innsbruck is looking for a motivated Postdoc (or visiting/intern/exchange PhD student) to work on an exciting and challenging project. The project lies in the interface of "synthetic gauge potentials in quantum gases" and "cavity (or waveguide) quantum electrodynamics". Therefore, the ideal candidate should be familiar with both subjects and have extensive experience in both theory and numerical calculations.

A deep analogy between topological materials and superconducting devices was recently theoretically established [1], in particular between a 3-dimensional topological solid and a 4-terminal superconducting junction. We propose to explore this analogy by designing and fabricating multiterminal superconducting junctions and by probing their quantized energy spectrum using circuit-QED techniques.

[1] R.-P. Riwar, M. Houzet, J. S. Meyer, Yuli V. Nazarov, Multi-terminal Josephson junctions as topological materials, arXiv:1503.06862

The Experimental Quantum Optics group ( is looking for a motivated postdoc to work on quantum experiments studying fundamental features of photons and their interaction with matter. Besides performing research on the highest-level, the positions will provide the opportunity to develop and refine high-tech skills in quantum technologies, photonics, programming and data analysis.


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