
A 2-year postdoc position is available at the group of Mathematical Physics of the University of Tübingen. It is part of the Collaborative Research Center “Mathematics of Many Body Quantum Systems and Their Collective Phenomena” between the University of Tübingen and the Munich universities TUM and LMU. The research project associated with the position lies at the interface between mathematical physics and quantum information theory and will focus on the study of properties of locality, stability, and correlations for quantum many-body systems. The project is led by JProf. Angela Capel and Prof. Stefan Teufel.

We are looking for a talented and motivated postdoctoral researcher to work in the field of quantum communications in the group led by prof. V. Ahufinger and in collaboration with prof. Anna Sanpera.
The postdoc is expected to work in propagation of quantum states of light in topological systems.

The position will be based at the Optics group of the Physics Department of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and hangs under the National Spanish Project Quantum Communications funded by EU-Next Generations Funds.

A 2-year postdoc position is available at the School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland ( The position is sponsored by the European Research Council through the Starting Grant AI-DEMON: Artificial Intelligence Design of Molecular Nano-Magnets and Molecular Qubits. The aim of this project is to push the boundaries of the state-of-the-art in the computational modelling and design of magnetic molecules. The interaction between spins and phonons is one of the main limits to the development of spin quantum technologies and in this project we will use first-principles and open quantum systems theory to unravel the details of spin-phonon coupling and develop new magnetic molecules with long spin coherence and lifetime[1-5]. The project will be developed by the group of Prof. Lunghi at the School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin.

Research Associate for the Project “Quantum computational fluid dynamics” § 28 Abs. 3 HmbHG
InstitutionFaculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of Physics, Institute for Quantum Physics

Salary levelEGR. 13 TV-L

We are seeking a talented and motivated postdoctoral researcher to work in the field of quantum information theory in the group led by prof. R. Augusiak ( The position will be based at the Center for Theoretical Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw (Poland) and is funded by the European Comission within the project "Next level Quantum information processing for Science and Technology" (NeQST) (project website:


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