The project is to carry out research in the broad field of non-equilibrium quantum and classical many-body system, including cold atomic gases, quantum optical systems, classical glassy and driven systems, neural networks and machine learning, and systems at the interface of classical and quantum.
Submitted by
Biamonte on Sun, 19/08/2018 - 16:02.
Skoltech’s Deep Quantum Labs is seeking two highly-talented and fast thinking developers (level depends on experience) to utilize our new supercomputing facility. This facility is maintained and operated by CDISE (Skoltech) and opens the door to large-scale internationally competitive simulations (500000+ NVidia – Volta – GPU cores and 2000 CPU cores).
Submitted by
Sile on Mon, 13/08/2018 - 04:49.
The Light-Matter Interactions Unit ( at OIST Graduate University invites applications for a postdoctoral position in any of their research areas (optical trapping, whispering gallery resonators for sensing/nonlinear optics/optomechanics, optical nanofibres, cold atom physics). The position is for a start later this year (2018) and the duration is dependent on the candidate’s background.
Submitted by
Eugenek on Thu, 02/08/2018 - 22:12.
The Faculty of Sciences at H.I.T. – Holon Institute of Technology (Israel) invites applications for a postdoctoral position in mathematical physics funded by the Israel Science Foundation and the Holon Institute of Technology.
The successful candidate will be involved in several exciting research projects lying at the crossroads of random matrix theory, quantum chaology and the theory of integrable systems. Previous research record in random matrix theory and related fields is an advantage, strong analytical skills is a must.
Submitted by
Vusenko on Tue, 31/07/2018 - 17:28.
Palacky University in Olomouc is announcing the opening of a 2-year position for a post-doctoral researcher in the field of theory of quantum communication with application to satellite links, within a project funded by the European Space Agency. The research will be primarily focused on quantum key distribution with faint laser pulses and single photon detectors and will include international experimental-theoretical collaboration.