
We are seeking a talented and motivated postdoctoral researcher to work in the field of quantum information theory in the group led by prof. R. Augusiak (

The Quantum Systems Unit, headed by Prof. Thomas Busch, at OIST Graduate University in Okinawa Japan, has currently an opening for several post-doctoral researchers in the area of theoretical quantum mechanics with a focus on one or several of the following areas

• Ultracold Quantum Gases
• Quantum Many-body Dynamics
• Quantum Thermodynamics

Candidates should have a Ph.D. in theoretical physics or a related discipline, be comfortable working in English, and have demonstrated a creative and independent-minded approach to research.

The Quantum Photonics Laboratory at Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh, UK) seeks a talented and motivated scientist for a Post-Doctoral position (24 months, with possibility of extension) on a new line of research on integrated platforms for novel quantum devices using rare-earth doped crystals for quantum memory applications.

The Quantum Algorithms Division at the Quantum Research Centre (QRC) of the
Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, is seeking highly
talented and motivated post-doctoral or senior researchers for its Quantum
Characterization team, led by Dr. Ingo Roth.

Applications are invited for a Post Doctoral Research Fellow 3-year fixed term position to participate in the EPSRC-funded project “HyMeta: Hyperuniform Disordered Metasurfaces for Selective Absorbers”, starting on 2nd September 2024.


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