Quantum theory Post-doc position at the Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Erlangen, Germany

Application deadline: 

Monday, December 31, 2018

Job type: 


Open post-doc position from February 2019 at the theory division of the Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light (MPL) in Erlangen, Germany.

The newly established junior research group on “Quantum Mechanics and Thermodynamics at the Nanoscale” is looking for motivated theoretical physicists to join. The group will be led by Stefan Nimmrichter and is part of the MPL theory division.

Starting from February 2019, we offer a post-doc position at the MPL (typically 2 years, extension possible; salary level E13).

The possible research topics include (but are not limited to) quantum thermal machines, thermodynamics of composite open quantum systems in and out of equilibrium, quantum mechanics and thermodynamics of gears, macroscopic quantum phenomena, and matter-wave interference. Candidates with research experience in quantum optics, quantum measurement and control, statistical physics and thermodynamics, open quantum theory, or quantum many-body physics are strongly encouraged to apply!

Applications should be written in English and consist of a cover letter including a statement of research interests and summary of relevant past achievements and experience, as well as a CV including publication list. Please send your application via email to Stefan Nimmrichter (nimmris_at_gmail.com). In addition, please also arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent to the same address (with the applicant’s name in the email title).

Selected candidates should prepare for a short Skype meeting, during which we also carve out the potential research program. An invitation for a presentation at MPL may be arranged.

The MPL is one of the youngest Max Planck institutes in Germany, founded in 2009. Its theory division has been established in 2016 and is led by Florian Marquardt. The working language at MPL is English.