Postdoctoral or PhD position in quantum thermodynamics

Application deadline: 

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Job type: 


We are currently offering a position on quantum thermodynamics within a newly installed international research network. The successful candidate will work in the research group for quantum information theory led by Jens Eisert at the Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems of the Free University of Berlin. The position is part of an exciting DFG-funded network dedicated to realizing "thermal machines in the quantum world", thermodynamic devices that are based on quantum mechanisms in their functioning. For this ambitious goal to be realistic, both questions concerning experimental implementations as well as foundational questions need to be addressed.

For the candidate, expertise in the field of quantum thermodynamics is highly desirable, with a background on either more practically oriented or mathematical-conceptual aspects of the field. Applicants must, in particular on the postdoctoral level, have demonstrated an excellent research accomplishment. The candidates should start soon, but there is a flexibility in the start date. The position on either level is available for three years. It is a full TV-L E13 position on the German pay scale on the postdoctoral level and a 75% TV-L E13 position on the PhD level.

Interested candidates are invited to submit

- a letter indicating the main research interests,
- a detailed curriculum vitae,
- a list of publications,
- the electronic (email) contact details of two potential referees.

All applications should be sent in electronic form to, having "Quantum thermodynamics" as its subject line.

Our QMIO group is one of the leading groups in quantum information science, based at the FU Berlin. The latter is one of the leading research-intensive universities in Germany and the largest of the four within the Berlin-Brandenburg academic landscape. It is one of the nine German universities only that have been rewarded as being excellent universities in the framework of the federal government's excellence initiative. For an overview over the current research activities, see

The German-Austrian-Israeli research network involves the research groups of Joachim Ankerhold (Ulm), Jens Eisert (Berlin), Gershon Kurizki (Weizmann), Eric Lutz (Stuttgart), Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (Mainz), Jörg Schmiedmayer (Vienna), Kilian Singer (Kassel), and Jörg Wrachtrup (Stuttgart). The web page of the network will soon be set up here

The call will be open until suitable candidates are identified.