PhD position on quantum network simulation @QuTech

Application deadline: 

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Job type: 


The Quantum Internet Alliance (QIA) is a consortium funded by the Quantum Flagship Programme. The consortium consists of twelve universities from eight European countries, in close cooperation with over twenty companies and institutes. The aim of QIA is to the develop a blueprint for a future quantum internet. In particular, QIA will establish the first multi-node quantum processor networks, lay the groundwork for quantum repeaters to allow quantum bits to travel long distances, and develop the first software and network stack for allowing scalable control and software development over a Quantum Internet useful.

Your goal within QIA will be to optimize via simulation 1) network layouts, e.g. where to position repeater stations, and 2) protocols to enable long-distance quantum communication. This is a highly non-trivial task due to the quantum nature of the network and the probabilistic processes involved in entanglement distribution. To achieve this goal you will use our quantum network simulator NetSquid and have access to the Dutch supercomputing facilities from SURFsara.

You will join the research groups of David Elkouss and Stephanie Wehner in QuTech, a research institute in Delft, the Netherlands. Additionally, you will also work in close collaboration with the rest of the members of QIA.

You have a master's degree in either computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics or physics. You have demonstrated your abilities in at least one research project. A background in quantum information and/or software engineering are a plus.

To apply fill the application here. Please indicate QuTech as your desired institution.

For questions about the application, you can write an email to: d dot elkousscoronas at tudelft dot nl

The application deadline is May the 30th 2019. The starting date is July the 1st 2019 (can be negotiated).

The gross monthly salary for a Ph.D. on a full-time basis is €2,222 during the first year and increases to €2,840 over the four years period. Employees are also entitled to a holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary and a year-end bonus of 8.33%. These values are subject to update. The salary and the terms of employment are in accordance with the Dutch Collective Labor Agreement for Research Centers ("CAO-onderzoeksinstellingen").