PhD position in many-body physics with Rydberg atoms

Application deadline: 

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Research group: 

Job type: 


The PhD project is in the domain of many-body physics with highly excited Rydberg atoms. The position is funded via the DFG priority programme GiRyd ( through the grant "Non-equilibrium phenomena in Rydberg lattice gases with facilitation constraints". Areas of interest will be the study of the emergence of correlated dynamical states, the characterisation of phase transitions and collective phenomena, and the competition between classical and quantum effects, together with issues of thermalisation and non-ergodicity.

The PhD student will be an integral part of an interdisciplinary team of researchers covering a broad range of topics including statistical physics, condensed-matter theory, computational physics, atomic physics and quantum optics, and soft-matter physics. Central to this project is furthermore the collaboration with in-house experimentalists working on Rydberg atoms held in optical tweezer arrays.

We seek a motivated, skilled and highly independent student to complement our team at the University of Tübingen. Experience in one or more of the following areas is indispensable: quantum dynamics, quantum optics, atomic physics, atom-light interactions, statistical physics, condensed matter physics.

The position is expected to start at the latest mid 2020.

Enquiries and applications (including a CV, the names of Referees and a very brief description of research interests) should be sent to