Digital Quantum Simulations in Circuit QED Quantum Computing

Application deadline: 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Research group: 

Job type: 


---> Deadline Extended! <--- Exciting opportunity for experimental quantum computing postdocs: Join the new circuit QED lab and CQSI Hardware Team at UTS, led by A/Prof Nathan Langford, for well-supported postdoctoral fellowship through the Sydney Quantum Academy.

Prestigious Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

We are looking to support a candidate for an exciting competitive postdoctoral fellowship opportunity:

  • Sydney Quantum Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellowships: ---> Deadline Extended! <---
    Available to both international candidates and Australian residents.
    Three-year research-focussed academic appointment at $105,000 to $115,000 per annum AUD, depending on experience and track record (plus generous superannuation), as well as research support and career development funding of up to $30,000 per annum AUD. Applications must be supported by a quantum science academic based at one of the Sydney partner institutions.

This fellowship opportunity is highly competitive and candidates must work closely with the supporting academic to prepare their application. To be short-listed, candidates must have an exceptional track record relative to opportunity and have the capacity to enhance the research and culture in the Sydney Quantum Academy and UTS.

With the application due Tuesday 15th September, please contact A/Prof Langford on as soon as possible.

Circuit QED at the UTS Millikelvin Quantum Science laboratory

At a time when the world is facing very great challenges, Sydney in Australia has a lot to offer, more than ever, as a safe destination with top, internationally renowned quantum science research centres.

In our group, we build experimental circuit QED based quantum processors to study key technologies for quantum computing, like quantum simulations and quantum control. Our research interests cover a broad range of areas, like digitisation techniques for quantum simulations, quantum measurement and feedback, quantum device characterisation and control, device modelling, quantum fundamentals, open and driven quantum systems, quantum chaos and microwave-to-optical frequency conversion.

We welcome applications from talented and motivated postdoctoral candidates to work with A/Prof Langford in the new, state-of-the-art Millikelvin Quantum Science laboratory. We are particularly interested in candidates who have skills and/or interest in quantum device design and nanofabrication, but welcome interest from candidates relevant skills from a broad range of fields. Candidates should have completed an excellent PhD in a relevant field of physics or engineering, and be able to contribute skills and expertise that will benefit our experimental circuit QED research.

Please email A/Prof Langford at ASAP if you are interested in joining our group. Include your CV, a brief research statement and the names of at least 2 referees, along with a brief cover note to introduce yourself.

We support a diverse and inclusive research environment in our group.

Group Leader: Associate Professor Nathan K Langford

After a PhD in experimental photonic quantum information with Prof Andrew White at the University of Queensland, A/Prof Langford conducted postdoctoral research in leading European research groups, including those of Prof Anton Zeilinger (University of Vienna), Prof Ian Walmsley (Oxford University) and Prof Leo DiCarlo (QuTech, Delft University of Technology). Joining the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at UTS as an Associate Professor and ARC Future Fellow, he has set up a new research group and established a state-of-the-art cryogenic quantum science facility for cutting-edge experiments in circuit QED.

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