We welcome applications for a doctoral and a postdoctoral position in the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the ‘Johannes Gutenberg’ University of Mainz to work in the ‘NEUQUAM’ research group led by Jun. Prof. Dr. J. Marino (https://sites.google.com/view/nequantumuniv)
The appointed candidate will be a highly-motivated, qualified and independent researcher, keen to join our novel team.
Research at ‘NEUQUAM’ focuses on the quest for universality in driven-dissipative many-particle experiments, on novel mechanisms for the lack of thermalization in non-integrable quantum systems, and on exploring new methods for the analysis of strongly correlated quantum matter. ‘NEUQUAM’ works in synergy with several international collaborators both in Europe (ICTP, MPQ, UniGeneva) and in the US (JILA, AmazonQuantum, Stanford, UCLA, Harvard).
The physics institute at JGU Mainz is a stimulating environment pivoting around numerous research alliances: ‘QuCoLiMa’ (quantum many body optics), ‘Elasto-Q-Mat’ (electron-phonon correlations), and ‘TopDyn’ (topology and dynamics).
Review of the applications will start immediately. Job interviews will be held every 5 weeks until the positions are filled.
Interested applicants should send the following application material:
1) curriculum vitae (including publication list for postdoctoral candidates);
2) the names and e-mail contacts of senior scholars for letters of recommendation;
3) transcript of records of their bachelor and master studies (for PhD candidates);
to the e-mail address dissipativequantummanybodyjgu@gmail.com
The Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz is committed to increasing the proportion of women in science and research and therefore encourages women to apply.
Disabled persons with suitable qualifications will be considered preferentially.