Post-Doc + 2PhD positions in Marseille on quantum simulation and distributed quantum computing

Application deadline: 

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Research group: 

Job type: 


Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the areas of quantum simulation, quantum cellular automata, quantum walks and quantum algorithmic at the
Computer Science Lab at Aix Marseille Université. The successful candidate will participate in the life of the Natural Computing Group (CANA) as well as in the research activities of the growing and enthusiastic community that has developed around quantum computing, in the beautiful Luminy technology hub. The winning candidate will also interact with the Marseille Centre for Theoretical Physics (Alberto Verga, Rovelli group, etc) and with the Marseille mathematics institute (I2M, in particular with Benjamin Audoux on quantum error correction codes).

This year, the team is part of the PEPR EPIQ, a national action centred around computational models and algorithmics. In addition, the PI Pr. Di Molfetta, obtained additional funding from the French National Research Agency and the AMIDEX foundation in Marseille to develop the topic of distributed algorithmics.

The post-doc position will ideally be centred around quantum simulation models, the study of some naturally inspired computational models such as quantum cellular automata and quantum walkers. But the candidate may propose his or her own research topic.

In addition, the winning candidate will get around 20k euros for his or her own missions (lectures, workshops, etc) and the possibility to collaborate on the direction of one of two PhDs that our team wants to recruit.

Finally, at the end of the post-doc there is the possibility of applying for an associate professor position in our department (permanent position).

Computer scientists have priority, but outstanding profiles in close disciplinary area (mathematics, theoretical physics) will be evaluated.

We also recall that we are hiring 2 PhD in quantum algorithms (here the link

Applications should be sent to and should include: 1) a CV including a list of publications; 2) a research statement; 3) a list of at least two references.

The position is for two year. The application deadline is 30 august, 2022 or until the position is filled.