Application deadline:
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Contact person Prof. Sonia Mazzucchi (
Within the blooming area of quantum information, quantum key distribution (QKD) represents one of the
most important lines of research where entanglement plays a key role. Besides the extensively studied
entanglement between the degrees of freedom of two different particles, it is also possible to consider the
intra-particle or single-particle entanglement (SPE) between two different degrees of freedom of the same
particle [Az20,Pa20]. SPE is easier to produce since it requires linear optical components and cheap light
sources, and it has recently turned out to be a valuable resource for quantum information, e.g. in the entropy
certification of quantum random number generators [Ma21].
The main goal of the project is the development, the security analysis as well as a critical evaluation of new
QKD protocols based on SPE. Experiments will also be performed to validate the proposed QKD protocol.
The PhD student will be enrolled in the Transdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Quantum Science and
Technologies of the Q@TN joint laboratory (
The ideal candidate should be a highly motivated student possessing a MSc in Mathematics, Physics, Computer
Science or equivalent degrees.
A strong interest in interdisciplinarity as well as an expertise in modern cryptography and security analysis
are highly recommended
[Az20]S. Azzini, S. Mazzucchi, V. Moretti, D. Pastorello, L. Pavesi. Single-particle Entanglement.
ADVANCED QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES. - ISSN 2511-9044. - 2020 vol 3:10(2020).
[Pa20] M. Pasini, Matteo, N. Leone, S. Mazzucchi, V. Moretti, D. Pastorello, L. Pavesi. Bell inequality vio-
lation by entangled single photon states generated from a laser, a LED or a Halogen lamp.
Phys. Rev. A 102, 063708 (2020)
[Ma21] S. Mazzucchi, S. Azzini, N. Leone, L. Pavesi, V. Moretti. Entropy certification of a realistic quan-
tum random numbers generator based on single particle entanglement. Phys. Rev. A 104, 022416,
[Le22] N. Leone, S. Azzini, S. Mazzucchi, V.Moretti, L. Pavesi: Certified quantum random numbers based on single-photon entanglement, Physical Review Applied 17, 034011 (2022)
PATENT (granted - 2022)
This is just a preliminary
Submitted by valter.moretti on
This is just a preliminary announcement, I will complete it when the online application form will be allowable.
We are fixing details of the
Submitted by valter.moretti on
We are fixing details of the official opening, so some date cam be changed. The official page of the opening will be suitable soon.
Final version of the opening
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Final version of the opening
Link for applications added
Submitted by valter.moretti on
Link for applications added