PhD position in the NEUQUAM team: non-equilibrium many body quantum dynamics

Application deadline: 

Friday, May 31, 2024

Job type: 


We invite applications for a (funded) doctoral position in the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the ‘Johannes Gutenberg’ University (JGU) of Mainz to work under the supervision of Prof. J. Marino in the NEUQUAM team (

We anticipate that core research topics of this call will revolve around strongly correlated quantum matter in cavity QED experiments, universality in the dynamics of many-body quantum information, and dissipative state preparation in platforms at the interface of solid state & quantum optics. Applicants with background different from those of this call are warmly encouraged to apply.

The team relies on strong collaborative synergies among its members, on high work dedication, and on commitment to reach independence and excellence by the end of the PhD studies.

Our research activity is in synergy with several international teams located in Europe (Austria, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland). For this specific call, it is expected that the selected candidate will spend considerable time in the USA reinforcing our collaborations overseas.

How to apply:

Applications should include:

1) curriculum vitae;
2) transcript of records of bachelor and master studies, with marks for each of the classes attended;
3) names and e-mail contacts of 1-2 senior scholars for letters of recommendation (please, do not ask to send letters at the moment);
4) scientific description of master thesis (no longer than half page).

and they should be sent at

Please do not include in the application any cover letter or research summary/plan. Note that it is not necessary to hold a master degree at the time of the application; this is a requirement only at the time of the employment.

Application deadline is 31.05.2024, although later applications will be considered until suitable candidates are identified and contracted.
Starting date is flexible, but it can’t be later than early 2025.