PhD position in theoretical quantum physics at University College Cork

Application deadline: 

Wednesday, April 30, 2025

Job type: 

Open call for a fully funded 4 year PhD position, supervised by Dr. Anthony Kiely at the School of Physics, University College Cork, Ireland. The project is in the area of theoretical quantum physics, so an undergraduate degree in physics or related discipline is an essential prerequisite. Experience with quantum optics and programming (e.g. Python, Mathematica etc.) would also be beneficial. The project will investigate new methods for modelling continuous quantum measurements and leveraging these results for quantum feedback control.

The start date for this position is September 2025. It includes a stipend of €25,000 per annum, university fees and additional resources for travel and equipment. The application should include: An up-to-date CV (listing two academic references) and a brief (<1 page) motivation letter. Applications should be submitted to