PhD positions on entangled states of matter

Application deadline: 

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Job type: 


We are currently offering two PhD positions to highly motivated and well-qualified students who intend to enhance their career on the intersection of quantum many-body theory and quantum information science. The successful candidates will work as part of the research group led by Jens Eisert at the FU Berlin, in collaboration with that of Emil Bergholtz at the FU Berlin and in Stockholm. For an overview of the research activities of the groups, see

We are an active research team with a culture of open discussion, creative interdisciplinary thought and substantial international collaborations. Research topics include the

- dissipative preparation of topologically ordered states and
- tensor network representations of topologically ordered and geometrically frustrated systems.

Candidates must hold a degree in physics or mathematics or should complete the requirements for a degree soon. Interested candidates are invited to submit

- a letter indicating their main research interests,
- a detailed curriculum vitae,
- the electronic (email) contact details of two potential referees.

All applications should be sent in electronic form to and with the key word "Studentship2016" in the subject line. Review of the applications will begin after July 5, 2016 and will continue until the positions are filled. Early submissions are appreciated. The start date is flexible.