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We are pleased to announce the availability of a PhD position at the University of Nottingham within the project on a Quantum integrated Light and Matter interface funded by the European Comission through the Fet-open Young explorers call. The aim of the project is to create a single device, which permits to manipulate, store and control light on a single photon level using tailored quantum matter. Specifically, we will implement a three-dimensional optical lattice on an atom chip together with sophisticated waveguides for single-photon manipulation and detection, all integrated on the very same chip. Our vision is that this device becomes the centrepiece of novel hybrid light-matter networks, with which quantum information processing can be approached from a highly modularized standpoint.
The project combines the efforts of 4 groups in 3 different countries, P. Walther at the University of Vienna will create and explore a photonic waveguide chip which will be included in the experimental setup at the University of Nottingham, I. Lesanovsky (Nottingham) and T. Pohl (Dresden) will explore the underlying theory. In detail this PhD project will include building a chip-connected glass cell, implementing an atomic transport and trapping Cs atoms in a standing light wave below the chip surface.
For more information see the QuILMI-poster at
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Start date: 1.10.2012