Post-doctoral position in quantum thermodynamics

Application deadline: 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Job type: 


Applicants are invited for a postdoctoral position in theoretical and computational quantum thermodynamics.

The candidate should have strong background in quantum optics, quantum information theory and quantum thermodynamics. The successful candidate will conduct research in proposing, modelling and simulating quantum heat engines and quantum thermodynamic devices in nanoscale systems. The successful candidate will collaborate with an international team of engineers and scientist including faculty from biology, physics and electronics departments at Koc University.

The salary is competitive. Housing, lunch tickets and private health insurance will be provided. The postdoc position is initially for one year, but it can be extended by mutual consent.

Starting date of the project is February, 2014. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Applications including a cv, list of publications, and at least three recommendation letters should be sent to:
Professor Özgür E. Müstecaplıoğlu,
Koç University, Department of Physics,
Sarıyer, 34450, İstanbul, Turkey.
E-Mail: omustecap (AT)