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The Berlin School of Optical Sciences and Quantum Technologies (BOS.QT) together with the Technische Universitaet Berlin, the Freie Universitaet Berlin, and the Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin offers the following open positions:
7 Positions: Research Assistant (d/m/w), 0.75 working time, salary grade E13 TV-L Berliner Hochschulen
1st qualification phase for PhD subject to funding approval until December 31, 2026.
To be filled immediately / limited until December 31, 2026 / application deadline: March 19, 2023.
Job Description:
The Berlin School of Optical Sciences and Optical Quantum Technologies (BOS.QT) is a joint graduate school of physics of Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin, Freie Universitaet Berlin, and Technische Universitaet Berlin in collaboration with renowned Berlin research institutes. Within the framework of the Berlin Quantum Alliance, projects in experimental and theoretical basic research for quantum technologies are funded.
For the total of seven positions advertised, there are the following thirteen project proposals at the institutions listed below for which interested applicants are invited to apply. If applying, please indicate the project to which your application relates. Applications to more than one project are possible (up to three), and a prioritization (rank 1, 2, etc.) for the project request must be indicated in the application documents.
Quantum memory (P1)
At the Institute of Physics of Humboldt-University the research group Nano-Optics, Prof. Oliver Benson, deals with fundamentals of light-matter interaction. The project is related to experimental realization of quantum memories based on atomic vapor to store photons as 'flying qubits' [project description P1].
For further information please contact Oliver Benson (HU Berlin) (email:
Driven-dissipative quantum state preparation (P2)
The theoretical project in the group of A. Eckardt at TU Berlin concerns protocols for the controlled preparation of correlated target states (like topological states, relevant for quantum simulation and error correction) by combining periodic driving and reservoir engineering in artificial quantum systems, like superconducting circuits [project description P2]. For further information please contact Andre Eckardt (TU Berlin, ITP) (email:, phone:+49 30 314 23034).
Photonic quantum computing (P3)
The research group on quantum information and many-body theory (Jens Eisert) deals with notions of quantum computing and communication and the study of complex quantum systems. The project is concerned with identifying ways of dealing with new kinds of noise robust ways of quantum computing and simulation with integrated optical architectures [project description P3].
For further information please contact Jens Eisert (FU Berlin) (email:, phone +49-30-616 53 903).
Development of quantum technology-based in-situ spectroscopy on Mars (P4)
In this project instrumentation for in-situ spectroscopy on Mars shall be developed based on novel quantum technologies. Breadboard-level instrumentation for detecting Terahertz energy scale spectroscopic fingerprints of matter shall be developed to investigate planetary materials ranging from minerals, salts to ices and gases on Mars [project description P4].
For further information please contact Michael Gensch (DLR, TU Berlin, IOAP) (email:, phone: +49(030)31426644).
Quantum Communication at Telecom Wavelengths (P5)
Embedded within the Quantum Communication Systems group led by Dr. Tobias Heindel, this project aims at implementations of quantum cryptography at telecom wavelengths. Comparative studies of different types of protocols and quantum light sources (based on quantum dots and non-linear crystals) are envisioned in a quantum network testbed in Berlin city [project description P5].
For further information please contact Tobias Heindel (TU Berlin, IFKP) (email:
Development of a quantum-limited heterodyne spectrometer on a stratospheric balloon (P6)
The research group Optical Systems led by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. H.-W. Huebers deals with air- and spaceborne optical systems for atmospheric sensing. The goal is to develop a terahertz heterodyne spectrometer with quantum-limited sensitivity for the detection of atomic oxygen in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere of the Earth, relevant for a future satellite mission [project description P6].
For further information please contact Heinz-Wilhelm Huebers (DLR, HU Berlin) (email:, phone: +49-(0)30-67055596).
Nonequilibrium atom-surface interactions with unconventional materials (P7)
The Theoretical Optics & Photonics group (F. Intravaia and K. Busch) at the Humboldt University of Berlin is seeking a highly motivated scientist for theoretically investigating nonequilibrium atom-surface interactions in systems involving unconventional materials (e.g., non-reciprocal materials, topological insulators) [project description P7].
For further information please contact Francesco Intravaia (email:, phone: +49 (0)30 2093 82457).
Terahertz spin dynamics in novel quantum materials (P8)
In novel antiferromagnets, one can rotate electron spins altogether by simply applying electric rather than magnetic fields. In this PhD project, you will use terahertz electromagnetic pulses to control and understand antiferromagnetic spin dynamics and explore interesting applications such as terahertz field sampling [project description P8].
For further information please contact Tobias Kampfrath (FU Berlin) (email:, phone: +49 (0)30 838 63747).
Testing Fundamental Quantum Mechanics using Atom Interferometry (P9)
This project is a joint endeavor of the Optical Metrology and Integrated Quantum Sensor groups at HU-Berlin to use the state-of-the-art cold atomic fountain interferometer GAIN for high-precision tests of quantum mechanics, specifically the linearity of the Schroedinger equation and wavefunction collapse theories. [project description P9].
For further information please contact Achim Peters (HU Berlin) (email:
Advanced Monolithically Integrated Quantum-Light Sources (P10)
The research group 'Nonlinear Quantum-Optics' lead by Dr. Sven Ramelow deals with novel approaches to generate spectrally engineered entangled photons via spontaneous parametric down-conversion. The project goals are related to the development of micro-integrated advanced photon-pair sources for photonic quantum information [project description P10].
For further information please contact Sven Ramelow (HU Berlin) (email:
A novel, fiber-based hybrid quantum system (P11)
In this project, we aim to achieve ground-state cooling of the mechanical motion of a tapered optical nanofiber. By combining such a ground-state cooled nanofiber with laser-cooled atoms, this would enable an interesting new hybrid quantum system for fundamental tests of quantum mechanics [project description P11].
For further information please contact Arno Rauschenbeutel (HU Berlin) (email:
Development of Deterministic Quantum Light Sources based on TMDC Monolayers (P12)
In this project, quantum light sources based on single-photon emitters in transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) monolayers shall be developed. The aim is to fabricate and examine in detail innovative devices with excellent quantum properties for applications in advanced photonic quantum technology [project description P12].
For further information please contact Stephan Reitzenstein (TU Berlin, IFKP) (email:, phone +49 (0)30314 79704).
Quantum Nonlinear Photonics with Single Photons and Atoms (P13)
The Integrated Quantum Photonics Group (Prof. Dr. Tim Schroeder) at HU Berlin focuses on quantum control and photonic integration based on atom-like colour centres in diamond. You will develop a photonic integrated platform to explore quantum nonlinear interactions of an individual quantum system with single photons, in particular in diamond nanostructures [project description P13].
For further information please contact Tim Schroeder (HU Berlin) (email:
Expected Qualifications:
Successful applicants* will have a graduate degree in physics or related areas (certificates of Master's, Diploma, or equivalent at the starting date) and previous experience in the above areas of work.
Detailed project descriptions and requirements for each position can be found at:
For all positions, very good English language skills are required.
Admission to the BOS.QT is possible upon successful application.
Please send your application with the reference number and the required documents by e-mail (in one pdf file, max. 5 MB) to the BOS.QT office:
The following documents are required for the application:
CV with publication list, conference papers, and awards (see BOS.QT CV template:; a letter of motivation; the bachelor's degree certificate and transcript of records, the Master's certificate (if issued already) and a transcript of records, a letter of recommendation, preferably from the supervisor of the Master's thesis (directly to the BOS. QT administration:; a maximum of two names (and email addresses) of people who can be contacted directly by the BOS.QT for another letter of recommendation; the master thesis (or a partial draft as a link or pdf).
By submitting your application via email, you agree to the electronic processing and storage of your data. Please note that we cannot guarantee the protection of your personal data if it is sent as an unprotected file. Please find our data protection notice acc. DSGVO (General Data Protection Regulation) at the TU staff department homepage:
To ensure equal opportunities for women and men, applications from women with appropriate qualifications are expressly encouraged. Qualified persons with disabilities will be given preferential consideration. Technische Universitaet Berlin, Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin, and Freie Universitaet Berlin value the diversity of their members and are committed to the goals of equal opportunity.
Postal address: Anja Meyer do Nascimento Pereira (BOS.QT), TU Berlin, IOAP ER 1-1, Str. des 17. Juni 135, D-10623 Berlin, Germany.
The job announcement is also available on the Internet at: