Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) in Quantum Computing/Quantum Information Theory at QICI, HKU CS

Application deadline: 

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Research group: 

Job type: 


Applications are invited for a tenure track position in Quantum Computing at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Hong Kong.

HKU is a leading research university and a highly international environment. It is ranked third in Asia and 22nd internationally by QS, and fourth in Asia and 30th internationally by THE.

The Computer Science Department of HKU is home to QICI, Quantum Information and Computation Initiative, established in November 2018. The mission of QICI is to promote and accelerate the growth of quantum information in Hong Kong, and to promote Hong Kong as an international research hub for quantum information and foundations. Its current research platform consists of teams working in quantum information theory, quantum cryptography, quantum metrology, and quantum foundations. Faculty members include: Prof. Giulio Chiribella (quantum information theory and foundations), Assistant Prof. Ravi Ramanathan (quantum cryptography), and Assistant Prof. Yuxiang Yang (quantum metrology and quantum information theory). An important component of QICI is a strong collaboration with the Quantum Group at the Computer Science Department of the University of Oxford. The collaboration includes the joint supervision of PhD students, establishment of joint postdoctoral positions, exchanges of visits for research and education in the quantum information area, and joint organization of scientific events.

The target start date of the present opening is July 2022 or as soon as possible thereafter.
The official deadline for applications is March 31 2022, but the post is expected to be filled before that time. To receive full consideration, applicants are recommended to submit their applications before December 15 2021.

Eligible candidates will have an outstanding research track in quantum computing and/or quantum information theory, and will hold a PhD in Computer Science, Physics, or Mathematics. The target appointment is at the Assistant Professor (tenure track) level.

Applications are particularly welcome from under-represented groups in Computer Science.

More details on the appointment, and instructions on how to apply can be found on the webpage