The CaNa group in Marseille offers three years PhD fellows and one year Post-Doc (LabEx fellowship) in Quantum Information theory, Quantum Complex Network, Quantum Simulation

Research group: 

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Application deadline: 

Thursday, December 1, 2016


The CaNa group at Aix-Marseille University is seeking excellent and outstanding candidates in quantum information theory, quantum complex network, quantum simulation. A PhD in Theoretical Physics, Mathematics or Computer Science is required.
The deadline for the PhD position is: 10/15/2016 and the deadline for the PostDoc position is 12/01/2016. If you are interested in one of these opportunities, please send an email to:
- Pablo Arrighi ( and Giuseppe Di Molfetta (
1. Curriculum Vitae (1 page), list of publications (to compile in a single document under the following formats : .doc, .pdf or .zip)
2. A covering letter
3. A scientific project (5 pages max.) [just for the post-doc position]
+ two recommendation letters