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The Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC, Valencia, Spain) invites expressions of interest for applications to the CIDEGENT Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 call. We welcome applications related to all research lines of the Institute.
IFIC is a joint center of the Spanish Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC) and the University of Valencia devoted to research in Nuclear, Particle and Astroparticle Physics, both experiment and theory, and applications to Medical Physics and other fields of Science and Technology.
Research lines at IFIC includes experimental astroparticle, neutrino, nuclear and accelerator-based high energy physics, as well as applications. The institute is involved in the following experiments: ATLAS, MoEDAL, LHCb, Belle-II, LCC, ANTARES, KM3NeT, NEXT, T2K, DUNE, NUSTAR@FAIR, ISOLDE, n_TOF, AGATA, NA64, CADex and MATHUSLA. IFIC researchers are also involved in advanced instrumentation and computing for society, including medical imaging, hadron therapy, nuclear waste, space weather, and other applications.
Theoretical research includes: particle physics phenomenology in the Standard Model and beyond (including collider, flavour, Higgs and neutrino physics), astroparticle physics, cosmology, gravitation and black holes, quantum Information, QCD and strong interactions, effective field theories in hadron and nuclear physics.
The grant will last 4 years with a possible extension of 2 additional years. It would include a gross salary of €53,000 per year for the applicant, plus a budget of up to €100,000 per year to implement a research project. Applicants must meet one of the following requirements:
a) to be beneficiary of an ERC Starting or Consolidator grant hosted in a university or research centre outside the Comunitat Valenciana;
b) to have passed Phase 1 of the ERC (Starting/Consolidator) grant evaluation process or have been a beneficiary of a Ramón y Cajal or MSCA-IF grant;
c) to have at least 6 years’ experience following the award of their doctorate and have completed one or more post-doctoral stays in internationally renowned research centres outside the Comunitat Valenciana that add up to a period of at least three years.
Only a limited number of applications will be endorsed by IFIC. Please send your expression of interest no later than December 4, 2022 to:, including a CV and a 1-page summary of the research project you would submit to this call if selected by IFIC. Although not required for full consideration, candidates may provide a letter from one of the research groups at IFIC in support of their application.
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Quantum information
Submitted by Armando_Perez on
Quantum information applications are welcome.