Application deadline:
Employer web page:
Job type:
As part of a French IDEX (Initiatives d'Excellence) program, the Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) is funding a project on quantum computing, QuEnG.
The multidisciplinary QuEnG project aims to overcome some of the major bottlenecks of quantum engineering, by taking advantage of the unique concentration of technological know how, scientific and human expertises, and the industrial network present in Grenoble. An important experimental effort is underway in Grenoble toward implementing and integrating quantum computing schemes and quantum sensing in different systems (superconducting, CMOS based and photonics).
A more detailed description of the project is described in the website
Call for candidates:
The QuEnG project offers a « chaire d'excellence » position on quantum computing. A strong background is required in one or more of the following domains :
-Quantum information theory
-Quantum algorithms
-Hardware and computer architecture
-Quantum circuits
-Quantum error correcting codes
-Programming languages and computing models
-Compilers and automatic program transformations
Some teaching is expected in the Computer Science Department.
Evaluation criterions:
The position will start on January 2018 for three years, and is intended as a stepping stone to European funding such as an ERC. The salary will depend on the successful candidate’s experience and will be calculated on the salary scale of French university assistant professor. The chair also comes with fund for a 3 year PhD thesis working on the project, and a small start-up budget.
The successful applicant will perform his/her research within the Maths and Computer Science departments of the university.
The candidate will be evaluated on the following criteria :
-Scientific excellence in one or more of the domains listed above
-The ability to build a scientific ecosystem, and to bring an expertise in quantum computing to the Grenoble community of mathematicians and computer scientists.
-Ability to communicate and interact with the different members of the QuEnG project, who have different backgrounds: physics, maths, computer science, philosophy, etc.
-Excellence in teaching.
-An ability to work with industrial partners would be a plus
How to apply:
The electronic document should be send at
The electronic document should contain
-a CV
-a scientific project to build during the period including suggestions of PhD subjects
Duration : 3 years
Start January 2018
Limit to send application October 10th 2017