Connectorising Integrated Quantum Photonics Devices

Application deadline: 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Research group: 

Job type: 

The Quantum Photonics Laboratory seeks a talented and motivated scientist to. Significant goals include the efficient and robust connectorization of various types of integrated photonics devices and their testing in cryogenic environment. The work will be conducted in the framework of a funded Innovate-UK grant involving world-leading partners working in integrated devices fabrication, quantum optics and quantum photonics, and industrial partners. It will be carried out under the supervision of Dr Margherita Mazzera, who is principal investigator of the funded project.

The Quantum Photonics Laboratory at Heriot-Watt University (HWU) is engaged in research covering solid-state photonics, engineering coherent light-matter interaction using quantum structures and devices, and exploiting such devices for quantum technologies. The group consists of about 20 members, including three academics: Dr Margherita Mazzera, Dr Cristian Bonato, Prof. Brian Gerardot and Dr Mauro Brotons i Gisbert. The quantum photonic platforms used within the group includes rare-earth doped crystals, defects in wide band-gap materials such as SiC or diamond, two-dimensional materials ‘beyond graphene’, quantum dots in III-V semiconductors. The group has well-equipped laboratories for quantum optics and high-resolution laser spectroscopy of quantum emitters at room and cryogenic temperatures, radio-frequency control of electronic/nuclear spins as well the facilities for fabrication of novel optoelectronic / quantum photonic devices. The group collaborates with several research groups both academic and industrial, within HWU, the UK, and internationally.

Essential Criteria

- A PhD in physics, electrical engineering, or related subjects. Candidates must have submitted their doctoral thesis before starting in post.
- The ideal candidate will have previous experience and appropriate track record in integrated photonics and fibre optics.
- A record of high-quality publications, as appropriate for the stage in career, and evidence of contribution to the writing of these publications proportionate to opportunity.
- Ability to articulate research work, both in technical reports / papers and by oral presentation
- Must be able to work as part of a team on the experiments at Heriot-Watt and more widely with the collaborators at other Universities

Desirable Criteria

- Previous experience in quantum technology
- Experience of programming for data acquisition and analysis
- Experience in vacuum and cryogenic systems
- Experience in leading the writing of scientific papers
- Evidence of ability, subject to opportunity, to guide other researchers, e.g. PhD students and undergraduate project students
- Capability to be self-directed and think innovatively
- Energy and enthusiasm for the project

To apply, follow the instructions in the link below: