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The project DisQC (Distributed Quantum Computing), is a scientific project funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) under a JCJC Starting Grant (2022-2025) and coordinated by Giuseppe Di Molfetta at Aix-Marseille University (AMU).
DisQC proposes to study the application of quantum walks, quantum cellular automata and their extensions to graphs, in the framework of the development of medium-term quantum computers. The overall goal of the project is to understand how to design and to control efficient and scalable circuits and algorithms on distributed architectures, with a particular focus on the fault-tolerance of the quantum information processing and the infrastructure itself. In the short term, one of the pivotal aspects of the project is to understand how errors propagate in the aforementioned models. In the medium and long term, the goal is to provide effective, scalable and fault-tolerant algorithms and software to optimise them.
The project DisQC is managed by Giuseppe Di Molfetta, recently promoted full professor at AMU. The other members of the project are: K. Perrot (MCF, LIS, CaNa), E. Godard (Pr, LIS, DALGO), F. Chittaro (MCF (HDR), LIS, CDE) and B. Audoux (MCF (HDR), I2M, AGT). All come from the Laboratoire d'Informatique et Systèmes~(LIS), but one, B. Audoux who belongs to the Institut de Mathematique de Marseille (I2M). Both laboratories are associated to the CNRS, the Aix-Marseille Université~(AMU) and the Université de Toulon~(UTLN).
All the participants will work together on the most parts of the project to explore and harness synergies. The members in the team complement each other and represent multiple areas of expertise relevant quantum distributed algorithmic ranging from quantum cellular automata and quantum walks theory to distributed algorithms to quantum error correction, quantum complexity and open quantum systems. Two PhD students will be hired to work at the interface of the aforementioned fields. She/he will be supervised by G. Di Molfetta and will work on noisy distributed architectures and quantum error correcting codes.
Both PhD student will be part of both the Department of Computer Science and the 'Laboratoire de Informatique et Systemes' (LIS).
Are you interested in this vacancy? Please apply before 29-07-2022 sending the following documents to prof. Giuseppe Di Molfetta via :
A cover letter explaining your personal motivation in pursuing a PhD, including how you see the PhD fitting into your career trajectory;
A CV, which should include details of your eligibility;
Transcripts of records (BSc and MSc);
A list of 3 references we can contact;
Other information for consideration, e.g., master thesis, scientific publications, professional or popular science writing
For more information about this vacancy, feel free to contact us.