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The Center for Optics and Photonics (CEFOP), , funded by the Basal Program for Scientific and Technological Centers of Excellence (CONICYT), is calling for four postdoctoral research positions in experimental and theoretical nonlinear optics and quantum information. Successful candidates will work at the recently inaugurated nonlinear optics laboratory in Santiago or at the quantum Information laboratory in Concepción. Applicants should be highly motivated, with a strong background in at least one of the following fields: experimental nonlinear optics, theoretical nonlinear optics, experimental quantum optics, experimental quantum information, and theoretical quantum information. Applicants must hold (or be in the process to obtain) a PhD degree in physics or related disciplines, in one of the areas described above. These research positions are for an initial period of one year and can be extended depending upon evaluation.
The deadline for the reception of applications is December 31, 2012. The successful candidate will be appointed from March 2013. We encourage all qualified persons to apply; this position is open to individuals of any nationality and sex. Applicants should send a brief statement of past, current and future research interests and a detailed curriculum vitae including: relevant qualifications, research experience, together with the names, addresses, fax, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of two academic references, and simple copies of degrees/diplomas.
Applicants should submit applications to
Inquiries only by e-mail to: Prof. Aldo Delgado ( (Quantum Optics) and/or Prof. Rodrigo A. Vicencio ( (Nonlinear Optics).