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Funded PhD studentship starting April 2019 (Deadline January 13, 2019)
Seeing emergent magnetism in the nanoscale with quantum-enhanced sensing
High sensitivity magnetic sensing is an ideal probe of such systems, as the magnetic field of single spins in the material is detected without requiring direct optical or electronic stimulation and could answer open questions in areas from superconducting spintronics to under-standing the inner workings of a topologically protected phases of matter. Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) colour centre in diamond is a promising platform for magnetic field sensing in the nanoscale. We can control the electronic spin of this atomistic defect in diamond in order to perform magnetometry on novel materials and devices in a wide range of operational regimes. Implanted at the tip of a diamond cantilever, this sensor offers seeing a magnetic phenomena with high spatial resolution on the order of a few nanometres. Further, it is possible to enhance the sensitivity of an NV sensor by coupling multiple spins into an entangled multi-spin quantum state, which allows a sensitivity scaling that surpasses the standard quantum limit. The PhD student on this project will use our Cambridge Nanoscale Sensing & Imaging Suite (CaNSIS), which hosts two separate scanning diamond magnetometry systems (one room-temperature, one cryo-magnetic) to conduct research on emergent phenomena of magnetic materials and heterostructures.
Quantum Optical Materials and Systems (QOMS) is an experimental research group with a broad research portfolio on quantum science and applications using quantum-optical light-matter interaction in solids. Our current materials of interest comprise semiconductor quantum dots, diamond defects and atomically thin layered materials. The PhD student of this project will enjoy working together with a vibrant team of postdocs and PhD students.
Click here for more information on the research group:
How to apply: Applications will be considered with a deadline of January 13th 2019. The PhD studentship is fully funded for 3 and half years for UK & EU nationals. Requirements of the University of Cambridge and the Physics Department apply, please check the graduate applications website for more information. Applicants are encouraged to contact Mete Atatüre directly via as soon as possible.