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PhD studentship on Solid-State Quantum Photonics
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network - QUDOT-TECH
Through the QUDOT-TECH Innovative Training Network (ITN) within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, we offer a three-year fully funded PhD studentship as an Early Stage Researcher at the Cavendish Laboratory of the University of Cambridge.
The position comes with an attractive salary following EU ITN rules, additional funding is also available to fund research visits and secondments to other partners including Copenhagen, Basel, Paris and Berlin, as well as family allowance, if applicable.
Applications: Applicants will be considered for 1st October 2020 starting date. Applicants should provide their CV (including publications list, if any) and the contact details of two referees via email to Mete Atatüre ( not later than 30th April 2020.
The network: QUDOT-TECH is a network of ten institutions across Europe including two industrial partners, all of which have world-leading research activities in solid-state quantum photonics. QUDOT-TECH started officially on 1st January 2020 and will continue for four years. The main aim of this network is to demonstrate full on-chip operation of a QD-based quantum network in order to achieve breakthroughs in the scalability of this semiconductor quantum technology. Extensive interactions among participants will take place through exchange visits, secondments, network meetings, conferences and laboratory courses.
The project: The PhD studentship in the Cambridge node of the network will focus on light-matter interface engineering of optically active spins in quantum dots. While the initial focus is on well-established QD devices, other emergent materials and photonic structures will also be studied towards the realization of efficient DLCZ quantum memories and spin-mediated entangled states of light. This project fits under the group’s general research umbrella of solid-state quantum information processing and nanoscale quantum sensors. More specific aspects can be discussed upon query.
Eligibility criteria for ITN-funded studentships: Full requirements of the University of Cambridge and the Physics Department apply. To satisfy the EU mobility criteria the applicant can have any citizenship but must not have lived in the UK for more than twelve months in the last three years.
For further information please visit: our group website