The theory groups at the Institute for Quantum Information of the Jülich-Aachen Reasearch Alliance (JARA) are looking for highly motivated candidates to fill multiple PhD positions over the next few months (a DFG-funded position could start as soon as possible).
The doctoral projects will focus on theoretical studies of physical implementations of quantum information processing, such as superconducting and semiconducting qubits, and related enabling quantum technologies. The projects will be supervised by Dr. Ansari, Dr. Catelani, and/or Prof. Hassler, and may involve collaborations with leading experimental groups (IBM, Yale, Aalto, TU Delft).
Master’s degree (or equivalent) in theoretical condensed matter physics or a related field and proficiency in English are required. Preference will be given to candidates with experience in quantum transport, superconductivity, and related topics, but strong candidates from other fields are encouraged to apply.
The application material should include:
short letter of motivation (<1 page)
CV & transcripts
contact details (names & emails) of two possible referees
For further information, or to submit an application, please contact one of us by email. Review of applications will start immediately and continue until all the positions are filled.
Mohammad Ansari (
Gianluigi Catelani (
Fabian Hassler (
physical sciences
Submitted by Anand on
curious to do phd from theortical background