The Institute of Theoretical Information Technology (LTI) at Technical University Munich, Germany offers several
'''open positions for postdoctoral researchers and Phd candidates'''
in the field of quantum information theory.<!--break-->
The general research scope of the LTI covers theoretical communication technology, especially in the areas of signal theory, classical information theory, and quantum information theory.
Regarding quantum information theory, the main area of research is quantum Shannon theory with a focus on quantum communication, information theoretic security, and robust transmission requirements.
'''Applicants for a postdoctoral position''' should
* Hold a Phd degree in mathematics, physics, electrical engineering or related fields.
* Have strong background in quantum theory and preferably research experience in quantum Shannon theory.
* Show affinity to collaborative work with other post-doctoral and Phd candidates of the group.
Interested candidates for a postdoctoral position are invited to submit the following documents (contact adress is given below)
* Presentation letter with a declaration of interests.
* Curriculum Vitae, including full adress, a contact phone number and email adress.
* List of publications.
* The contact email of two potential referees.
Postdoc appointments will be for two years with possible one-year extension. Salary will amount to E14 (TVL Bavaria)
'''Applicants for a Phd position''' should
* Hold a degree in mathematics, physics or electrical engineering.
* Have background in quantum theory and/or classical information theory combined with strong affinity to abstract mathematical modelling.
Interested candidates for a Phd position are invited to send the following documents (contact adress is given below)
*Curriculum Vitae, including full adress, contact phone number and email adress.
*One reference letter.
Phd candidate appointments will be for 3 years with E13 (TVL Bavaria) salary.
This call will remain open until suitable candidates are identified.
Contact adress:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Holger Boche
Lehrstuhl für Theoretische
Informationstechnik (Prof. Boche)
Arcisstrasse 21
80333 München