PhD and PostDoc positions on the fiber interconnect of remote trapped ion experiments

Application deadline: 

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Job type: 

A PhD and postdoctoral positions are available at the Faculty of Science at the Palacky University in Olomouc as a part of the national project EXPRO (Projects of Excellence in Basic Research) of Czech Science Foundation.

The experimental research positions will focus on the control of optical emission from a single and several trapped ions. The main tasks will correspond to the development of low-noise coherent conversion of the 493 nm fluorescence emitted from Ba+ ions to infrared C-band and implementation of the quantum communication network between two distant ion trapping laboratories situated at Palacky University in Olomouc and Institute of Scientific Instruments of Czech Academy of Sciences in Brno (~100 km). Both ion trapping setups are fully functional and two-way phase-stabilized fiber connection is established and ready for initial tests on the single-photon level. The research will include the experimental studies of the transmission of sensitive nonclassical and quantum non-Gaussian states and coherences generated in small ensembles of trapped ions. Available fiber communication channels including several dark fibers offer unique possibilities for tests of a number of crucial tasks in the practical distribution of quantum information, quantum synchronization of distant quantum systems, or sensing. The complementing research directions developed in our laboratories, including the development of nonclassical light sources, nonlinear control of atomic motion, and quantum metrology, will simultaneously contribute to and naturally complement the envisaged research tasks.
The candidate is expected to show a strong motivation and commitment to research by a substantial contribution to the realization of proposed experiments within an existing fiber-interconnected ion-trapping laboratories, including good communication skills and ability to work in a research team

Start: August 1, 2021 and later

Requirements and conditions for the PostDoctoral position:
Ph.D. in Quantum Physics; specialization and track-record in experimental quantum optics; ability to communicate and write in English. Good skills in preparation of research manuscripts are mandatory.

Complementary to its research goals, the EXPRO project is targeted at boosting career opportunities of young researchers. The participating postdoctoral researcher is expected to present good supervising skills and actively contribute to relevant grant applications. It is expected that within two years, the candidate could lead the research based on the couplig of the trapped ion platform to the available fiber link infrastructure.

Duration of the contract: 12-24 months (extension possible);
Gross monthly salary will correspond to 45,000 - 60,000 CZK depending on research experience, including health and social insurance + potential bonuses;
Catering allowance, 28 days of holiday and additional benefits.

Requirements and conditions for the Ph.D. position:

Master in Physics; ability to communicate and write in English.

Duration of the contract will cover up to 4 years corresponding to a standard length of the PhD study;
Gross monthly salary will correspond to 40,000 CZK, including health and social insurance + potential bonuses;
Catering allowance, 28 days of holiday and additional benefits.

Please send your application per e-mail to Dr. Lukáš Slodička or to Prof. Radim Filip, including:
Structured CV;
List of publications;
Motivation letter;
Scan of diplomas;
References for possible recommendation letters;