Application deadline:
Employer web page:
Job type:
We are looking for PhD students and postdocs to join the newly established Quantum Information Theory group at Jena University. If you are interested in joining our growing research team, then apply now!
Topics of interest cover the whole range from quantum information and computation to quantum many-body physics, with a focus on machine learning methods for quantum technologies and quantum simulation.
Further details and instructions can be found at
Possible research topics include:
• Development of variational simulation methods for quantum many-body systems
• Characterization of noisy quantum devices and state tomography
• Quantum enhanced imaging and sensing
• Entanglement detection
• Quantum simulation
• Quantum thermalization
More information on topics covered in the group can be found on our research pages.
How to apply
To apply, please send an email to (Subject: "PhD application" or "Postdoc application") with the following documents:
For postdoc applicants:
• a comprehensive CV (including a list of publications & talks),
• relevant certificates and grades,
• a description of future research plans (about 2-3 pages),
• and the contact data of at least two referees who can provide a letter of recommendation upon request.
For PhD applicants:
• a comprehensive CV
• certificates and grades from bachelor and master studies,
• a brief cover letter (max. 1 page), explaining the motivation for joining the group,
• and the contact data of at least one referee who can provide a letter of recommendation upon request.
Deadline for initial consideration is April 23rd, 2023, but later applications will be considered until the positions are filled.
The earliest starting date is September 1st, 2023. Later starting dates are possible.
PhD appointments will be for a period of 3 year with possible extension, with an initial salary of 50% E13 (according to the provisions of the Collective Agreement for the Public Sector of the Federal States, TV-L), which can be increased up to 75%. Postdoc appointments are for an initial period of 2 years, with a salary of 100% E13.
Further information
• The Jena research environment offers ample opportunities to collaborate with the experimental groups at the Abbe Center for Photonics, working on photonic quantum technologies. Applicants should be ready to contribute to such collaborative projects.
• Both doctoral students and postdocs have the opportunity to gain experience in teaching and supervision of Bachelor and Master students. Doctoral students are required to teach at least two tutorial classes over the course of their doctoral studies.
• Our group values strong interaction and team work in and beyond science. Bring your Bouldering shoes if you have some.