PhD and postdoc positions in quantum information/foundations at Université Libre de Bruxelles

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Application deadline: 

Sunday, July 10, 2011


PhD/postdoc positions in quantum information and the foundations of quantum theory.

These positions are supported by research networks involving leading physics and computer science groups in Europe. The first aim of this project is to explore the possibility of device-independent quantum information processing. Device-independence represents a new paradigm for quantum information processing, where the goal is to design protocols to solve information and cryptographic tasks without relying on any assumption about the devices used in the protocol. Contrary to standard quantum information protocols, which are based on entanglement, the main resource for device-independent quantum information processing is quantum non-locality. See, e.g.
for a recent popular account of device-independent quantum cryptography and non-locality.

These positions are also partially supported by a large grant from the Foundational Questions Institute, project title "Quantum theory and the nature of time". The aim is to investigate the connections between the mathematical formalism of quantum theory and facts about time, such as reversibility and irreversibility of physical laws. For more details, including an introduction and technical abstract, see here:

The expectation is that the successful applicant will work part time on both projects. In the case of a postdoc position, it should also be possible to work part time on other theoretical topics in quantum information science.

Prospective applicants with a strong background in mathematics or theoretical physics, and a deep interest in quantum information theory, the foundations of quantum theory, or both, are encouraged to apply.

For more information, contact

Stefano Pironio
Laboratoire d’Information Quantique
Université Libre de Bruxelles
(00)32 2 6505577